The bouquet

Scene 1: Valentine's Day We don't normally make a big fuss about Valentine's Day. I am not sure if it is because there is nothing really big to celebrate or is it because we think there is no need for a special day to express our special love for each other. However, I did wish "Happy Valentine's Day!" to echachen first thing in the morning. I can never resist myself doing that! I have, however stopped buying gifts because I am not sure if Echachen cares about them :) I would, on the contrary, for sure appreciate receiving some flowers or gifts or at least a card, may be? This Valentine's day, I was for some reason, hoping to be gifted with a flower bouquet. It was also the starting of lent also known as "Ash Wednesday". The priest would put ashes on our head to remind us that we are made of dust and to dust we shall return and also to mark the beginning of a season of fasting and abstinence so that God will forgive our sins. We went to church...