A heartache or a crown of thorns

I have been recently very close to God especially since my father-in-law passed away. I hear a lot of devotional talks and encourage my family to pray more (not that they enjoy it lol) but they still do it for my sake. What especially came across these talks was the importance of suffering in Christian life and how we are called to join our suffering with Christ's suffering on the cross. Then, I used to think - I don't really have that much pain in my life to unite with Jesus' pain. I was on a short Indian trip last month to help my mum to travel to Germany because my parents had to go there to finish few things off before they settled forever in India. A heart-breaking pain was given to me after such a long time. One would have thought, you wouldn't face such trials again when you are in communion with Christ (partly the reason why I decided to bravely expose myself to this trial). I was hurting so much which I shared with one of my closest friends only. Day 1 passed b...