Stay in marriage OR Escape?

Marriage is not just about falling in love and deciding to spend the rest of your lives together. It is actually an agreement made between three persons - husband, wife and God. It is essential not to forget about God in your relationship. It also takes a lot of effort to make a marriage work. This is the case for both love and arranged marriages. For those who are wondering what an arranged marriage is - it is the process by which a man's family or a woman's family selects the groom or bridegroom for them instead of the couple themselves finding their love. Ours was an arranged marriage. So I always wonder about love marriages - Do they feel differently in their relationship? Do they feel more intimacy? Does their initial spark which made them to choose each other remain throughout their lives? From what I have seen so far around me, I believe it does help to choose the person whom you dearly love as your life long partner but the first feeling they had might not last forever....