
If you have read my previous post, you would have got a small hint of what I was going through. I was being tempted by the devil just like Jesus was tempted in the desert for 40 days. However, my temptation didn't last that long. It stretched over the month of May during which I felt I can no longer bear it but I kept remembering the word of God where St Paul says in his first letter to the Corinthians 10:13 -

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it"

I kept saying this to myself even though it was really hard for me to believe in this bible verse. I was so severely tested like gold melted in fire to purify it. There were times when I thought I would just fall down somewhere as I tried hard not to sin. 

But today, I can say proudly that I have passed my test and I am standing here as a testimony to God, my almighty Father, Jesus, my saviour and the Holy Spirit who guides my each and every thought.

I am unable to elaborate the topic on which I was tried on but everyone will face this or other similar situation in their life especially if you are aiming to live the word of God. Please don't give in to the temptation but just remember St Paul's words: God will not tempt you beyond what you can bear :)

Here I am, a living testimony. I am back to my old self. I believe it is good to have bad times in your life so you can appreciate the good times and the blessings. So, in a way, I appreciate the bad times I had which might seem a bit strange. Isn't it? Who will want terrible times in their lives! I feel like I want to be tested again. It is an amazing experience when you win over it. You feel so powerful.

I am eagerly waiting for you my Lord to see what you would bring next in my way. Whatever it is, I will make sure to glorify your name.

Hallelujah, Thank you, Praise be to You!


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