Stay in marriage OR Escape?

Marriage is not just about falling in love and deciding to spend the rest of your lives together. It is actually an agreement made between three persons - husband, wife and God. It is essential not to forget about God in your relationship.

It also takes a lot of effort to make a marriage work. This is the case for both love and arranged marriages. For those who are wondering what an arranged marriage is - it is the process by which a man's family or a woman's family selects the groom or bridegroom for them instead of the couple themselves finding their love.

Ours was an arranged marriage. So I always wonder about love marriages - Do they feel differently in their relationship? Do they feel more intimacy? Does their initial spark which made them to choose each other remain throughout their lives?

From what I have seen so far around me, I believe it does help to choose the person whom you dearly love as your life long partner but the first feeling they had might not last forever.

I believe it takes a lot of commitment and investment to make a marriage work. I might be wrong but this is what I have understood.

Lately, I decided to work on my marriage. Yesterday, I took Echachen for a date, lol. We both booked in holidays at work and went to London together after sending kids to school. This was an activity I wanted to give as a gift to Echachen for his birthday last year. We couldn't do it at that time since my father-in-law passed away.

As usual, when I plan to do something like this with Echachen, I feel like the whole universe is conspiring against my idea.

Firstly, my mum's sis's husband, Rajan uncle passed away this week beginning and the funeral was scheduled exactly on this date. Secondly, school came up with a father's day event where fathers were invited to do an activity with their children in the morning. Thirdly, I got my periods and lastly, hospital rang to say Iris' ultrasound appointment is scheduled for the same day evening which is at a very far hospital. 

Echachen was laughing at me as I struggled to execute this plan. He started saying that we would just stay home and relax lol. I said I would make this happen with God's help.

On the day, I first watched uncle's funeral online and prayed for his soul.

Afterwards, we started off the journey with a prayer. Fortunately, Echachen never resists a request from me to pray together which I consider is a great blessing in our relationship. 

We set off to the school at 8.45 am to drop off Echachen so he could spend at least 5-10 mins with Nemo for the father's day event. While I was reversing the car from our house, it slightly scrubbed against the recycling bin (which is plastic) and Echachen made a fuss about it (you know how guys are about their cars!) but I silently endured that without replying anything and agreeing to what he said.

We reached school, Echachen went off and I waited in the car park. He came back on time (9.10 am) and we walked briskly to catch the train to Aldgate. We managed to get the semi-fast train and reached just on time for our Escape room event at 10.12 am.

Echachen kept pretending he didn't want to do this but once we were in, he thoroughly enjoyed it or that's what I think haha. We had some good time solving clues and trying to get out. We were basically spies and had to rescue "James" who was in captivity. 

Afterwards, we had lunch at Pilpel and made our way back home.

As soon as we got home, (Echachen mentioned about the car incident again when he saw the bin, of course! but I kept silent and accepted it. Why I am saying this is usually I would also react and put up a long face), I freshened up and started off my next journey to pick Iris from school for her US appointment. In total, it was a 3 hrs drive and I finally came back home. Meanwhile, Echachen picked kids from school. Everything worked out well even though there seemed to be many obstacles in the beginning.

To conclude, take God with you everywhere and He will fulfil your plans according to His will and work miracles especially in your marriage!

Genesis 18:14 : "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"


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